patsient haige patsiendi nimi on operatsioon homme on operatsioon eile oli operatsioon täna vererõhk vererõhk on normaalne / kõrge pulss pulss on kiire analüüs / analüüsid analüüsid on korras pea valutab haav valutab haigel / patsiendil on palavik kõht on kinni / kõhukinnisus kõht on lahti / kõhulahtisus nohu köha haige paraneb haav paraneb hästi aga vist minul on /mul on sinul on / sul on temal on / tal on meil on teil on nendel / neil on Marel on palavik. Taavil on köha. | patient ill person / patient the patient`s name is operation the operation is going to be tomorrow the operation was yesterday today blood pressure the blood pressure is normal / high pulse the pulse is rapid analysis / analyses analyses are negative (okay) the head is aching the wound is aching the patient has a fever constipation diarrhoea headcold cough the patient is recovering the wound is healing well / good but perhaps / maybe I have you have he/she has we have you have they have Mare has a fever. Taavi has a cough. |